it very clear that Chiang Kai-shek
was fully in control of the Nationalist army, and that any detente
would be impossible without Chiang's cooperation. Further
complicating the issue was the fact that Chiang considered the
Communists the greater threat to him, as opposed to the Japanese,
whom he considered a minor annoyance.
the year went on, Chiang became frustrated and then suspicious of
the Young Marshal's lack of progress against the Communist forces,
so much so that Zhang staged mock battles and engagements with the
Communists as a cover. In October of 1936 Chiang Kai-shek announced
that he would step up his "suppression campaign" against the
Communists. At nearly the same time, the Japanese army invaded and
was repulsed in the Suiyuan Campaign, giving many in China the hope
that Japan could be successfully resisted.
December Chiang Kai-shek flew to Xi'an to test the loyalty of the
Kuomintang (KMT) forces under Zhang, and to personally lead an
attack on nearby Communist forces. Zhang Xueliang and another
General, Yang Hucheng, tried desperately to convince Chiang to join
forces with the Communist army to resist the Japanese. When they
were unable to elicit a compromise, they took matters into their
own hands, and on December 12, 1936, Zhang and his forces stormed
Chiang's headquarters and arrested Chiang, triggering the Xi'an
Xi'an Incident was reported at the time as a treasonous coup by
Zhang, but it is fairer to describe it as a "forced negotiation
process." Chiang Kai-shek was kept under house arrest for nearly
two weeks, during which time Zhang and Yang asked the Communists to
send a delegation to Xi'an to discuss the fate of China. For much
of the time Chiang resisted negotiations, until it became clear
that his life and freedom depended upon it.
December 17, the CPC delegation, including Zhou Enlai, arrived, but
negotiations with Chiang were not fruitful. On December 22, Madame
Chiang Kai-shek and her brother T.V. Soong arrived to continue
negotiations, and on December 24, an informa丨 agreement was reached
(though Chiang Kai- shek never officially signed any peace
documents). Hostilities between the two sides, however, immediately
ceased, allowing for a successful resistance to Japan.
Chiang's release, Zhang Xueliang was arrested, tried in a military
court, and sentenced to 10 years for his part in the incident,
though he wound up spending nearly the rest of his life (until
1989) under house arrest. In the immediate aftermath of the Xi'an
Incident, Zhang asked
Hyland Lyon to act as bodyguard
to his wife, Edith Chao, and young son, Bobby. For the next 5
years, while Zhang was in prison in Shanghai, Lyon piloted the
family about, took care of many important domestic transactions and
accompanied them on their travels. He finally left China in 1941,
returning to Los Angeles with 6 steamer trunks full of his personal
collection of photography and documents, in addition to a small
lockbox of documents.
"Bud" Lyon)的珍藏
国共敌对状态。张学良当时虽然一直希望凑成国共合作,能够 停止内斗并共同抗日,但却向中国共产党清楚表明国民军应由
蒋介石全权掌控,而任何的停战协议也必须得到蒋介石的同意 才能签署。然而问题在于蒋介石仇共远远大于仇日,认为曰本
( 以下是上面红色信笺内笔迹的内容)
一、 从本月十六日起,我军即下令撤去甘泉、虏施之围,双方停止敌对行动,同盟抗日。
二、 目前各就原防,做抗日的一十万准备。
三、 各派全权代表商定停战办法,以及抗日的 作战协定——时间地点再商定。
四、 我们提议组织国防政府与抗日联军,汉卿兄有何意见?
五、 在抗日问题上,东北军可能采取的最低限度的步骤,这一步骤不论是积极的或是消极的,汉卿兄有何意见?
敬致 勋祺
司令员 彭德怀
政治委员 毛泽东
( 以下是上面l蓝色笔迹的内容)
李毅 (按:即张学良)同志(按:称同志):
三、 乘蒋注意西南方面无力北顾之际,我们的整个计划,须对于八、九、十三个月完成基本部分。
ZHANG XUELIANG. 1901-2001.
Autograph Manuscript Signed in character 5 times, 8 pp, 16mo, n.p.,
"night January 6, 26th year of the Republic" (i.e. 1937), housed in
a small red leatherette journal, very minor wear.
BETWEEN XI'AN AND NANJING. After the release of Chiang Kai-shek on
December 25, Zhang Xueliang chose to return to the capital with the
Generalissimo. Once there, Chiang had Zhang arrested and tried in a
military tribunal, where he was convicted and sentenced to ten
years (but Wound up spending most of the rest of his life in
丁his document, a series of messages to the people of China, his
family and friends, reveals Zhang's intention to kill himself
rather than be subjected to the unknown humiliation that awaited
From the first part, translated: "I sincerely have faith in the
salvation of the country; however my conduct has been
anti-national. Having vowed to be a faithful and trustworthy man, I
never expected to let this happen. The most heartbreaking thing is
seeing the Japanese find pleasure in their oppression over the
Chinese. Rather than witness the fall of our country,
I will take my own life. Hopefully this will end some problems. I
wish the leaders of our country to be morally conscious with an
awareness of their actions. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts
to Mr. Chiang who possesses extraordinary intelligence. If Mr.
Chiang would reconsider my opinions, I would greatly appreciate
To his family, Zhang writes: "I your brother (father) was straight
forwardly reckless. I worked for the salvation of our country,
however had no good solutions. The Northwest incident was never
planned. Therefore, I came to the capital alone hoping to end the
problems. My intention was to save the country from Japanese
imperialism and had never expected to let things turn out like
this. I do not want to stay alive dfid let other problems arise
because of me. Even though I may not have directly caused their
death, I am indirectly responsible. I take total responsibility for
all the problems. For our country and our families, all the Zhang
descendants will swear to take revenge against Japan and will not
forget this in the future." The rest of the document, addressed to
T.V. Soong, Jimmy Elder, General Tan Enbo, and two others, gives
detailed instructions regarding the dispensation of Zhang's vast
$40,000 - 60,000 HKD$300,000 - 400,000
张学良( 1901-2001 )手书
亲笔签名信,共五枚签名,共八页,16mo尺寸,书写地点不详。日期为 中华民国二十六年(一九三七年)一月六日。置于红色小皮套内,磨损
文件末尾则是向宋子文、詹母士 •奥德(Jimmy Elder)、谭恩波将军及另两人交代张家财产的分配。
Shanghai, c.1936
LYON, HYLAND "BUD." 1908-1973.
A large collection of photographs, correspondence, and memorabilia,
much of it relating to Lyon's years in China, 1934-1941, but also
including early and late material, as follows:
Box 1
Album of Lyon's early years, with photographs of him as an infant,
child and young man, along with early letters to his
Album of Lyon's Hollywood years, 1925-1934, including film stills
and images of him as an auto mechanic, actor, stunt man, and
LYON'S CORRESPONDENCE FROM CHINA: 89 letters (Autograph Letters
Signed and Letters Signed), approximately 250 pp, 4to and 8vo,
various places in China and the Pacific, September 14, 1934 to July
21, 1940, on various letterheads including the CNAC, Nan-Hu
Airfield, and several ocean liners, most to his grandmother but a
few other correspondents, being a dear, detailed first-hand
narrative of his years in China in the service of the CNAC, the
Young Marshal, and others.
Box 2
A large collection of documents and photographs relating to CNAC,
the aviation ground school at Nan-Hu Airfield, and his work
post-Xi'an Incident with the Young Marshal's family. Includes
correspondence and a large series of telegrams sent back and forth
between Lyon, Julius Barr, James Elder, and other influential
4 small metal luggage tags stamped "Marshal Chang Hsiao Liang" and
individually numbered (26, 129, 172, 300).
11 Autograph Letters and Notes Signed by Edith Chao, to Mr. Lyon,
along with several canceled checks also signed by her, and together
with a checkbook bearing an inscription identifying it as the Young
Box 3
A collection of early photos relating to Lyon's childhood and film
career. Approximately 20 Autograph Letters Signed of Dee St.
Claire, the showgirl Lyon followed to China, c.1935; together with
a signed photograph of St. Claire.
A small accordion file with printed cards, many annotated, of
Lyon's China contacts.
Typed transcriptions of Lyon's letters, likely by his grandmother
Jane Hunter, housed in blue 3-ring binder.
A collection of Lyon's auto and pilot's licenses from China,
A large piece of shrapnel removed from Lyon's body,
A small address book and journal, dated March-July 1937, describing
an illness and hospital stay, plus his movements about Hangkow with
Elder and Julius Barr.
Box 4
Original correspondence from Jane C. Hunter, Lyon's
1930s-1950s, covering his years in China. Over 200 letters
containing much news of family and life in US, commentary on Bud's
letters home. Trunk 1
21 3-ring binders featuring Lyon's typed narrative illustrated with
photographs and clippings, titled "China in the Raw" and covering
the years 1935-1941, quoting heavily from his own writings as well
as news sources.
Approximately 4000 frames of 35 mm film negatives housed in 9 red
leatherette albums and consecutively numbered: images of Lyon's
years in China.
3 red leatherette albums, oblong 8vo, each with mounted gelatin
silver prints of Lyon's images, various sizes (2x3 inches to 5 x 7
inches), including images of city and country life in China in the
1930s, the various CNAC airplanes Lyon worked on, Chinese in
formation, and atrocities committed by Japanese troops, among
Trunk 2
A large collection (exceeding 2000) of loose silver gelatin prints
of Lyon's photos of China, most 4x5 inches, many with his
photographer's stamp, some identified in pencil. Views of people,
places, and events in China, 1935-1941.
Trunks 3-4
Lyon's personal papers from his later years, including
documentation relating to patent efforts and machine shop business,
personal correspondence and photographs. Together with a large
collection of clippings and newspapers from his years in
Other items include: Lyon's CNAC pilot's blazer, 3 lithographed
CNAC posters from the period, and a set of embroidered CNAC
"wings"; a collection of travel labels from passenger liners and
hotels throughout the far east; a collection of stamps of the
period; a calligraphic wall hanging; and a canister of film
featuring an early newsreel biography of the Young