抱着转基因技术当饭碗的技术工匠在中国人数最多, 仅仅把他们的眼光扩大到看得见世界、听得懂人话,就是一次21世纪的新长征。把中国当做转基因农产品最终“市场”的美国、巴西、阿根廷的大农场主数量也不少,它们吃定了中国人的血肉而且吃上了瘾,关闭它们邪恶的嘴巴,将是另一场21世纪的新长征。在这两场新长征的背后,我们还要在全世界范围内击败那个运筹帷幄的伐谋高手,向全人类和整个地球生态发动转基因之战的司令部。击败它,将是又一次“天翻地覆慨而慷”。
Organisations: join us by clicking Sign! (organisations) and fill in the form. Thanks! All organisations, movements and institutions that have signed on to support the initiative are listed below:
抱着转基因技术当饭碗的技术工匠在中国人数最多, 仅仅把他们的眼光扩大到看得见世界、听得懂人话,就是一次21世纪的新长征。把中国当做转基因农产品最终“市场”的美国、巴西、阿根廷的大农场主数量也不少,它们吃定了中国人的血肉而且吃上了瘾,关闭它们邪恶的嘴巴,将是另一场21世纪的新长征。在这两场新长征的背后,我们还要在全世界范围内击败那个运筹帷幄的伐谋高手,向全人类和整个地球生态发动转基因之战的司令部。击败它,将是又一次“天翻地覆慨而慷”。
Organisations: join us by clicking Sign! (organisations) and fill in the form. Thanks! All organisations, movements and institutions that have signed on to support the initiative are listed below:
FUNDACION PARA LA COOPERACIÓN APY SOLIDARIDAD EN ACCIÓN | www.stopprivatizando.org; www.apysolidaridad.org |
Sciences Publica, student organization in Sciences Po, campus of Reims | https://www.facebook.com/SciencesPublica |
Locally Delicious | www.locally-delicious.org |
La Compañia Natural | compania natural (blog). |
Colectivo Tinta Verde | https://tintaverde.wordpress.com |
Fundacion Terram | www.terram.cl |
association l'âge de faire | www.demain-en-mains.info |
Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg | www.muetter-gegen-den-krieg-berlin.de |
NOAH , Friends of the Earth Denmark | noah.dk |
Amigos de la Tierra Argentina | amigossdelatierra.org.ar |
Noordelijk ZadenNetwerk | www.noordelijkzadennetwerk.nl |
Observatorio del sur | www.observatoriodelsur.unr.edu.ar |
LAZUUR foodcommunity Wageningen | www.lazuur.com |
Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu | www.eto.org. tr |
YOUTH-LEADER | www.youth-leader.org |
Le Quattuordecim | www.isabelleaugagneur.fr |
La Oruga | https://www.facebook.com/LaOrugaEnNutricion/ |
The Mission of the Great Martyr George the Victorious | http://www.stgeorgy.com/ |
Fondazione Agriculture | www.fondazioneagriculture.org |
Sanjuaninos en Buenos Aires | https://www.facebook.com/Sanjuaninos-en-BA-contra-la-megaminería--1510185805958090/?fref=ts |
C-C Boarding Home | www.ccboardinghome.org |
La Pluma.net | www.lapluma.net |
AAAEN-CI Action pour l'Avenir de l'Environnement Naturel en Côte d'Ivoire | www.aaen-ci.org |
CENTRO DE CIENCIAS DO HOMEM DA UENF -Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense | www.uenf.br |
Pertubuhan Angkatan Bahaman Temerloh | angkatanbahaman.blogspot.com |
Asociación Civil Semilla del Sur | www.facebook.com/semilladelsur |
Capucine.net | http://www.capucineid.com/ |
World Permaculture Association | www.world-permaculture.org |
Istaku spinini ac | Www.istakuspinini.org |
Réseau National des Psychologues | http://www.reseaupsychologues.eu/ |
MALE'VA | https://assomaleva.wordpress.com/ |
KILUSANG MAGBUBUKID NG PILIPINAS (KMP) | www.kilusangmagbubukidngpilipinas.com |
Commune d'Ungersheim | www.mairie-ungersheim.fr |
La Voie est libre | http://www.lavoieestlibre.org/ |
We The World | we.net |
Apicultores mayas de maní SC de RL | Www.apisalimentaria.con |
dis.forme | www.disforme.org |
Atout Vrac | atoutvrac.com |
Joe's connected garden | Www.facebook.com/joesconnectedgarden |
Association Mutations | www.mutations.fr |
Bio Solidaire Senillé | www.biosolidairesenille.fr |
Center for Bangladesh Studies | www.cbsbd.org |
ASIAN PEASANT COALITION (APC) | www.asianpeasant.org |
RESIST AGROCHEMICAL TNCs | www.kilusangmagbubukidngpilipinas.com |
School of Myth & Movement Art | www.mythmovearts.org |
Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières | www.avsf.org |
Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l'Homme | fnh.org |
WildBee.ch | Www.wildbee.ch |
La ruche qui dit oui | Https://www.facebook.com/ruchepoitierscentre/ |
Jardinsfamiliaux de la Garonne | jardinsfamiliauxgaronne.fr |
Epicerie Les Ptits Bocaux | epicerie-lesptitsbocaux.fr |
sin maiz no hay pais | sinmaiznohaypais.org |
Ferme ty coz | Fermetycoz |
Centro Didattico Euroamericano sulle Politiche Costituzionali Università del Salento | www.cedeuam.it |
Adstaginganddesign | Www.adstaginganddesign.com |
AAF - psychotherapie en natuurgeneeskunde | www.psycholooggouda.com |
Classic Purity Organics | www.classicpurity.com |
Calpulli Tecalco | calpullitecalco.com |
The Organic Adventurer | www.theorganicadventurer.com |
Cooperative of Producers and Consumers of Eco Products, OIKOZOI | http://www.oikozoibiocorfu.com/index.php/gr/ |
Esprit des bois | espritdersbois.wordpress.com |
Soul Campers - Campervan Rental Portugal | www.soulcampers.com.pt |
van Fair en Dichtbij | www.vanfairendichtbij.nl |
Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN | www.unionpacifiste.org |
KinderKookfestijn | www.kinderkookfestijn.nl |
EAYE - European Association of Young Educators | www.youngeducators.eu |
Effio BV | www.effio.eu |
Wake Up! | www.greenupfilmfestival.com |
Association I Sbuleca Mare | www.isbulecamare.org |
ISNAT asbl - Institut Supérieur de Naturopathie Traditionnelle | www.isnat.eu |
ARTS RADEN | artsraden2.blogspot.com |
Whitton House | www.whittonhouse.nl |
Initiative für eine gentechnikfreie Metropolregion Hamburg | www.hh-genfrei.de |
Seed Freedom Food Festival | www.facebook.com/seedfreedomfestivaladelaide |
Kapilar | http://kapilar.rs/ |
Jeunes Écologistes Bordeaux-Aquitaine | https://www.facebook.com/JE.BordeauxAquitaine |
Blabla Geweldloze Communicatie in Vlaanderen | Www.blabla-Blabla.be |
Presentation Sisters of Western Australia | www.presentationsociety.com |
Fédération Française des Nouveaux Installés | www.facebook.com/ecosite22paysdauge/ |
Ademloos v.z.w. | Ademloos.be |
STichting Ecosystem 2000 | www.ecosystem2000.sr.to |
ARIA LINDA | http://www.arialinda-asso.com/ |
Irkutsk State University | http://isu.ru/ru/ |
Dimence Groep | www.dimence.nl |
Sakhalin Environment Watch | www.ecosakh.ru |
tercare.org | www.tercare.org |
SPARTAKOS | www.spartakos.gr |
BEDE - Biodiversité Echanges et Diffusion d'Expériences | http://www.bede-asso.org/ |
ECOLOGIE pour la région de FECAMP ECOREFE | ECOREFE.fr |
Les Compagnons de la Transition asbl | http://lescompagnonsdelatransition.jimdo.com/ |
Association La Main de L'espoir | - |
Et c'est heureux car mon frère n'aime pas les épinards | www.lesepinards.fr |
Ingrud Groen Permacultuur | Https:www.Facebook.com/Ingrid-Groen-Permacultuur-798076806869734/?fref=ts |
Refresh Brussels | www.refresh.brussels |
Kampeerterrein de Blauwe Haan | www.blauwehaan.nl |
Nuit debout Paris | nuitdebout.fr |
Fédération du Tarn pour la Pêche et la Protection des Milieux Aquatiques | www.pechetarn.fr |
Marius Engelbrecht Trainingen | www.mariusengelbrecht.nl |
Psychotheker | www.psychotheker.nl |
NGO Eco-club "Tapan" (Arc) | www/spareworld.org/armenia |
Svaha Yoga | www.svahayoga.com |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | www.sibforest.org |
PLURIBUS EUROPE | www.pluribus-europe.com |
Le panier romageois | www.facebook.com/LeRomageois/ |
Herefordshire Friends of the Earth | https://www.foe.co.uk/groups/herefordshire |
Axyal Node LLC | Axyalnodehealingarts.com |
Eurafrika Foundation | eurafrika.nl |
INTERPHAZ | www.interphaz.org |
zorgboerderij De Weide Blik | www.zorgboerderijdeweideblik.nl |
Asbl Together Belgique | www.together.belgique.be |
OTROS MUNDOS, A.C. | http://www.otrosmundoschiapas.org/ |
Americas Best Farm | Americasbestfarm.com |
Sjemaja | www.sjemaja.nl |
Alaska Community Action on Toxics | www.akaction.org |
IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network for a Toxics-Free Future) | www.ipen.org |
Het Zoete Land | www.hetzoeteland.nl |
NGO Angel | www.ngoangel.ucoz.ru |
de oerakker | www.deoerakker.nl |
Association Les Gypaètes Barbus | www.facebook.com/groups/les.gypaetes.barbus66 |
Timebank.cc | www.timebank.cc |
Salomon ehf | www.salomon.is |
Parkveld blijft te Heverlee | www.parkveld.org |
Arcyvert | www.arcyvert.com |
Proeflocatie De PolLepel | www.proeflocatiedepol-lepel.nl |
Klara Hermans Erfgoedontsluiting | www.erfgoedontsluiting.be |
Friends of Sherwood | www.STOP366.wordpress.com |
Biocoop Saint Lo | saint-lo.fr |
Nacel Arcoíris 13.20.33 | https://www.facebook.com/nacel.arcoiris/?fref=ts |
Joanne DePalma . | joannedepalma.com |
Cooperativa Agrosol | http://ranchoagrosol.blogspot.mx/ |
SOS Faim | www.sosfaim.lu |
Total Health | www.totalhealth.eu |
Ferme de maraîchage en agriculture biologique | http://agencebio.org/ |
De groenen Draak | https://www.facebook.com/groenendraak/ |
Microsfere | www.microsfere.org |
WeWanttoknow | http://www.wanttoknow.nl/gezondheid/voedsel/monsanto-tribunaal-14-16-oktober-in-den-haag/ |
Nicky's Place | www.nickysplace.nl |
Asia Pacific Research Network | www.aprnet.org |
Hummingbird Wholesale Organic Food Distributor | Hummingbirdwholesale.com |
Bergmästarens Trafikskola AB | www.bergmastarenstrafikskola.se |
Association France Amérique Latine | Afalafal.fr |
Asbl Pirouettes | www.pirouettes.be |
ViaVoet Pedicurepraktijk | www.tenenlezen.net |
Coordination Climat Justice Sociale | www.climatjusticesociale.org |
Associazione Ernesto Ragazzoni | https://www.facebook.com/Ass-Ernesto-Ragazzoni-235687186571452/ |
Human Rights in Action | www.derechoshumanosenaccion.com |
Association Agroécologie France Sénégal (AFS) | www.agroecologie-senegal-glf.org |
INSTITUTO MANIVA | www.institutomaniva.org |
Urgenci International Community Supported Agriculture Network | www.urgenci.net |
Association Tango y Algo Mas | www.tangoyalgomas.fr |
Ahimsa | www.ahimsa.nl |
MasterPeace Ro | http://masterpeacero.blogspot.ro/ |
AB Reflex | www.abreflex.nl |
bright future lab | www.brightfuturelab.nl |
AMBROSIAM | www.ambrosiam.org |
St. Operatie Steenbreek | www.operatiesteenbreek.nl |
The Loft Recording Studios | https://www.facebook.com/The-Loft-Recording-Studios-Bronxville-NY-135535009840267/ |
Earth Law Alliance | earthlawyers.org |
Collectif animalier | http://collectifanimalier06.org/ |
Sydney Food Fairness Alliance | http://sydneyfoodfairness.org.au |
Eurl Netideal | http://www.netideal.fr |
Slow Food Deutschland e.V. | www.slowfood.de |
ois possible | www.facebook.com/ois.possible |
Elegast | Www.elegast.nl |
Earth Focus Foundation | www.earthfocusfoundation.org |
Amigos de la Tierra España | www.tierra.org |
De Groene Musketier | www.degroenemusketier.nl |
Envirohealth | WWW.EnvirohealthMatters.org |
SOS Loire Vivante- ERN France | www.sosloirevivante.org |
lehmann natur GmbH | www.lehmann-natur.com |
TRIADA | www.triadaconsultancy.eu |
Naturefriends | http://naturefriends.gr/ |
Earth & Oceans Developments | www.earthandceans.co.za |
Amigos del Río San Rodrigo, A.C. | www.amigosdelriosanrodrigo.org |
Creative Kids Yoga | www.creativekidsyoga.com |
Raydiant Health Centre | raydianthealthcenter.com |
Bobmarler Bobmarler American wildlife Society | robert.marler@cox.net |
Radiant Wellness | www.radiantwellnessns.com |
Associació Pastinaca | http://pastinaca.cat/wordpress/ |
Sanctuary of Mana Ke`a Gardens | www.hawaiisanctuary.org |
Cusibani S.A. de C.V. | www.cusibani.com.mx |
Spin Golf Pty Ltd | Www.spingolf.com.au |
Red Bridge Capital Pty Ltd | www.redbridgecapital.com.au |
We Are One, Inc - www.WeAreOne.cc - WAO | http://www.WeAreOne.cc |
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Rzek Iny i Gowienicy | www.tpriig.pl |
CITEMA | www.associtema.eu |
Amigos da Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho | goncalodecarvalho.blogspot.com |
Aware and Vibrant Living | awareandvibrantliving.com |
Busy B Fzrm | busybfarm.com |
Freekeh Foods Inc. | www.freekeh-foods.com |
Nature's Organic Grist | www.naturesorganicgrist.com |
Altercampagne | http://www.altercampagne.net/ |
Umweltverein End Ecocide | www.endecocide.org |
Share The World's Resources | www.sharing.org |
Asamblea Ambiental de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires | https://www.facebook.com/Asamblea-Ambiental-de-la-Ciudad-de-Buenos-Aires-1558020491176801/?fref=ts |
Foro Ecologista de Paraná | https://www.facebook.com/foroecologista |
NationofChange | NationofChange.org |
Pakhuis de Règâh | www.deregah.nl |
naturerights | www.naturerights.com |
ZEGG Bildungszentrum gGmbH | www.zegg.de |
Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas para o Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul Bahia - CEPEDES | www.cepedes.org.br |
PAN Africa | www.pan-afrique.org |
Blossom 070 | www.blossom070.nl |
SERUNI - Serikat Perempuan Indonesia | www.seruni.org |
Dolphins & Whales publishing bv | www.wanttoknow.nl - .be |
SOS Faim | www.sosfaim.org |
Organic African Self Education | www.oase.green |
Sierra Norte Libre de Transgénicos | http://snlibretransgenicos.blogspot.com.es/ |
Vikalpani National Women's Federation | vikalpani.lk |
Pesticide Action Nexus Association (PAN-Ethiopia) | Under construction |
Alternative Agriculture Network Thailand | www.sathai.org |
SIKAD | none |
Citizens Against Ruining the Environment | willcountycare.org |
Sin Tpp Argentina | https://www.facebook.com/SinTppArgentina/ |
Om de tuin | http://omdetuin.nl/ |
The NEW Health Club | http://TheNewHealthClub.org |
Alliance Anticorrida | http://www.allianceanticorrida.fr/ |
MOUVEMENT UTOPIA | www.mouvementutopia.org |
Action Alex | https://www.facebook.com/ActionAlexMtl |
EZA Fairer Handel | www.eza.cc |
Magsasaka at Siyentipiko para sa Pag-unlad ng Agrikultura (MASIPAG) | www.masipag.org |
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) | www.arrow.org.my |
CocoLicious | www.Coco-Licious.com |
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom US/Earth Democracy Group | http://wilpfus.org/our-work/earth-democracy-0 |
Alliance for Democracy (US) | www.thealliancefordemocracy.org |
OurEarthOnline Ltd | www.OurEarthOnline.com |
Federacion de Asociaciones de Mujeres de la Alpujarra | www.servidasenred.net |
Sindicato Obrero del Campo | www.socalmeria.wordpress.com |
Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores | www.sindicatoandaluz.org |
Refresh-xl asbl | www.refresh.brussels |
WEROES | www.weroes.com |
WILPF-USA, Advancing Human Rights National Issues Committee | www.wilpfus.org |
Cooperatie EcoRevolte | www.ecorevolte.org |
Women's International League of Peace and Freedom US Secction | www.wilpfus.org |
VSF Justicia Alimentaria Global | www.vsf.org.es |
Tanzania Organization for Agricultural Development (TOfAD) | NA |
ProNatura | www.pronatura.com |
Plataforma Ser-vidas en Red | www.servidasenred.net |
Libre à toi asbl | www.aefmat.be |
Herbolario La Alacena Bio | Www.servidasenred.net |
Fahamu Africa | http://www.fahamu.org |
WORMS asbl | www.wormsasbl.org |
Pesticide Action Network Philippines | http://www.panphils-org.collectivetech.org/panphils/ |
Human Life Development Initiative | www.hldi.org.so |
Miljøpartiet De Grønne Steinkjer | http://steinkjer.mdg.no/ |
Fuentes | www.ayanafuentesuno.com |
Perisyllogi Social Cooperative | www.perisyllogi.gr |
Santa Paula Animal Clinic, Inc | santapaulaanimalclinic.com |
Traditional Food Revolution | www.traditionalfoodrevolution.com |
Atchafalaya Basinkeeper | www.basinkeeper.org |
National Association of Peasant Reserve Zones | https://www.facebook.com/anzorc |
Spkenergy | www.spkenergy.fr |
Checkr | www.checkr.com |
Mémé Georgette | www.memegeorgette.com |
Scottish Hazards | www.scottishhazards.org |
Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchiw-Dannenberg | www.bi-luechow-dannenberg.de |
Circkles.com | circkles.com |
Πολιτιστικός και Αναπτυξιακος Σύλλογος Το ΑΝΤΑΜΩΜΑ | http://politismos-anaptixi.blogspot.gr/ |
Inspiration of Sedona | www.inspirationofsedona.org |
Chispa asbl | www.chispa.be |
Fair Play Fabrics | www.fairplayfabrics.nl |
Beyond Toxics | www.beyondtoxics.org |
Margaret river Environmnet Centre | www.mrrec.org.au |
Rice Girl productions | www.myricegirl.com |
Abanitu Organics | abanituorganics.com |
Quality Therapeutics Ltd | Passionate About Healing |
Cartago Orgánico | https://www.facebook.com/MercaditoAzulCR |
Springview Eco-Farm | www.springviewecofarm.com.au |
Citizens Organizing for Resources & Environment | www.TexomaCORE.org |
CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm | none |
OHBA | www.ohbaonline.org |
INOFO: Inter-continental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations | http://inofo.ifoam.org/ |
Project Agent Orange | http://projectagentorange.com/simplemachinesforum/index.php?board=1.0 |
Northeast Organic Farming Association- Massachusetts | www.nofamass.org |
Berliner Wassertisch | www.berliner-wassertisch.info |
Paesaggi Meridiani | www.paesaggimeridiani.it |
CDCA - Centro Documentazione Conflitti Ambientali | www.cdca.it |
A Sud | asud.net |
The Aurora Foundation | http://www.mauigmomoratoriumnews.org/ |
The Shaka Movement | http://www.mauigmomoratoriumnews.org/ |
ONEgroup | www.miessence.com |
Asamblea Malvinas lucha por la vida | https://www.facebook.com/Malvinas-lucha-por-la-Vida-424159400959844/?fref=ts |
Gproduction | Geoffreysecco.com |
Taller de Comunicación Ambiental (Rosario) | tallerecologista.org.ar/ |
Comité pour le respect des droits humains "Daniel Gillard" | https://www.facebook.com/comitedaniel.gillard/ |
GREEN HORIZON | www.climatdeveloppement.org/lercd/green-horizon-cameroun/ |
Food Freedom Radio - AM950 | http://www.am950radio.com/shows/food-freedom |
Maryland Pesticide Education Network | www.mdpestnet.org |
Transition to Organics | www.transition-to-organics.org |
GlassDharma | www.glassdharma.com |
Voix d'Elles Rebelles | www.voixdellesrebelles.fr/ |
gogreenoakpark | https://gogreenoakpark.wordpress.com/ |
Association Domaine de la Chapelle | www.domaine-de-la-chapelle.org |
Clic'n Bio | clicnbio.com |
biocoop la claire fontaine | laclairefontaine.biocoop.net |
Amie Vis Danse asbl | www.aime-vis-danse.be |
AGIR POUR LE VIVANT | http://agirpourlevivant.org |
Foro por la Salud y el Ambiente de Vicente López | www.foroporlasalud.org.ar |
SCI projets internationaux | Www.scibelgium.be |
Shiatsu Energie Bordeaux | https://shiatsu-energie-bordeaux.fr |
Agir pour la Paix | www.agirpourlapaix.be |
Red Buhito por la Defensa de los derechos de Niños/as y adolescentes | no tenemos sitio Web |
Surya Lambhani-Banjara Women Welfare Trust | www.suryasgarden.org |
ona lab, s.l. | www.nomadesign.org |
Biocoop Finis Terra | www.finisterra.fr |
Earth Rights Institute | earthrights.net |
Vegan3000 | www.vegan3000.info |
Sustainable Food Supply Foundation | http://www.sustainablefoodsupply.org |
Brindway | www.brindway.com |
Sydney Food Fairness Alliance | http://sydneyfoodfairness.org.au |
CEMIDA (Centro de Militantes para la Democracia Argentina) | www.cemida.com.ar |
Associação Alternativa Terrazul | www.alternativaterrazul.org.br |
Grizzlead | www.grizzlead.com |
Friends of the Earth Canada | www.foecanada.org |
Green Minds | https://www.facebook.com/Green.Minds.N.P.O/ |
Bierzo Aire Limpio | http://www.bierzoairelimpio.org/ |
Massachusetts Right To Know GMOs | MARightToKnow.org |
ILEIA | http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/ |
Australian Institute of Ecological Agriculture Cooperative Ltd | www.ecoag.org.au |
EcoAlternative.net | www.ecoalternative.net |
Biocoop Le Cres | www.biocoop-lecres.fr |
Club of Anarchy | www.club-of-anarchy.org |
Aktion Agrar | www.aktion-agrar.de |
Research Centre for Gender, Family and Emvironment in Development | cgfed.org.vn |
Asociacion Be Pe | www.facebook.com/asociacionBP/ |
The New York Institute of English and business | www.nyieb.org |
EcoAlternative.net | www.ecoalternative.net |
Akron Nutrition Center | www.facebook.com/AkronNutritionCenter |
Last Organic Outpost | lastorganicoutpost.com |
Campanha Permanente Contra os Agrotóxicos e Pela Vida (Campaign against pesticides and for life) | http://contraosagrotoxicos.org |
Avalon Foundation | www.avalon.nl |
Hivos | www.hivos.org |
SWISSAID | www.swissaid.ch |
associazione natura & psiche | http://naturaepsiche.jimdo.com/ |
CROC LA VIE | www.croc-la-vie.com |
Association Agroécologie et Développement Durable ASD-Mali | - |
Association Béo-neeré Burkina Faso | - |
Association inter-zone pour le Développement en Milieu Rural - AIDMR Burkina Faso | - |
Association pour la Promotion d'une Agriculture Durable - Sanguié Burkina Faso | - |
Action Réelle sur l'Environnement, l'enfance et la Jeunesse, Cinkassé TOGO | - |
Centre Agroécologique de Production de Semences Tropicales - Gao, Mali | - |
Union pour un Avenir Ecologique et Solidaire - MALI | - |
QA Engineering | qaengineering.com |
Meridian Holistic | www.MeridianHolistic.com |
Healthy Solutions | iahp.com/janettewarren |
Wise Seeds of Learning | Wiseseedsoflearning.com |
Slow Food Redlands | https://www.facebook.com/slowfoodredlands |
Rancho de los Proyectos | www.ranchoproyectos.us |
Second Look | www.SLweb.org |
Martinshof | www.martins-hof.at |
Microhabitat | Microhabitat.ca |
Dry Dock Services | www.drydockservices.com.au |
Mindful World Productions | www.mindfulworldproductions.com |
verein permakultur-landwirtschaft | http://www.permakultur-landwirtschaft.org |
Neo Cosmo | www.neo-cosmo.info |
Long Branch Environmental Education Center | longbrancheec.org |
We Are One, Inc - www.WeAreOne.cc - WAO | http://www.WeAreOne.cc |
La Paperie | www.lapaperie.eu |
March Against Monsanto | www.march-against-monsanto.com |
WADADA ARTISTS GROUP | https://www.facebook.com/wadadaartistsgroup/ |
Inspiration of Sedona | www.inspirationofsedona.org |
BENE | naturalia.fr |
ccfd terre solidaire 77 | http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/ |
March Against Monsanto Spring Hill FL | n/a |
Konsumentensolidarität-Jetzt | www.consolnow.org |
Ladybug Acres Natural Growers | None |
Illinois Right to Know GMO | www.IllinoisRightToKnowGMO.org |
Biocoop le Retour à la TErre | www.leretouralaterre.fr |
Bahoui | www.bahoui.com |
AMAp Les Courgettes | http://www.amaplescourgettes.eu/ |
DAMS INC | www.amalgam.org |
Tso Pema Non-Profit | www.tsopemanonprofit.org |
St Andrews TTIP Action Group | Facebook page is St. Andrews TTIP Action Group |
Green Earth Goods | Greenearthgoodsllc.com |
Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth | uuministryforearth.org |
BEEHOME GUEST HOUSE | www.beehome.fr |
BIOCOOP MALEMORT | www.biocoop-malemort.fr |
Ô7DélySs | o7delyss-traiteuradomicile.com |
Association Initiatives Dionysiennes | www.aid97400.re |
Soil Resources Initiative | soilresources.com |
Genesis Farm | genesisfarm.org |
Réseau Semences Paysannes | www.semencespaysannes.org |
Grütter Media | www.gruettermedia.ch |
EMMAUS LYON | www.emmaus-lyon.org |
Del Pueblo Al Plato | DelPuebloAlPlato.com |
BIOCOOP Bionacelle | bionacelle.fr |
Fontenay-sous-Bio | www.alaconquetedubio.fr |
BIOCOOP -CROQ'BIO | www.biocoop-croqbio.com |
Voedsel.Coop | Platform voor coöperatieve levensmiddelenwinkels | www.voedsel.coop |
Biocoop du Mantois | biocoop.epone.net |
Collectif pour le Respect de l'Animal (COPRA) | http://copranimal.free.fr |
Jadranski zid | https://www.facebook.com/Jadranski-zid |
Echange Nord Sud | echangenordsud.org |
Rede Raízes da Mata - Rede Agroecológica de Prosumidores | facebook.com/raizesdamata |
inZélesta | FB inZelesta |
SurfNights | https://www.facebook.com/surfights |
El Archipiélago del Gusto | https://www.facebook.com/elarchipielagodelgusto/ |
Brabantse Milieufederatie | www.barabantsemilieufederatie.nl |
Colectivo Tierra Viva Bolívar | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1665187687131685/?fref=ts |
Les Petits Plats d'Antoine | http://lespetitsplatsdantoine.fr |
St. Leven met de Aarde | www.blauwvuur.nu |
Association Gran-mér-kal | Nous n' en n' avons pas |
Centro de Apoyo para el Movimiento Popular de Occidente, A. C. CAMPO Jalisco | https://www.facebook.com/CAMPO-AC-315563762029/facebook CAMPO, A. C. |
UDAPT | http://chevrontoxico.com/about/ |
Werkgroep Earthtrusteeship | https://earthtrusteeship.wordpress.com/ |
association FESTIV'IN | www.art-n-jazz.com |
Harrington Investments, Inc. | www.harringtoninvestments.com |
Food & Water Watch | www.foodandwaterwatch.org |
Clean Adriatic Sea Alliance | www.cleanadriatic.org |
Association Le poney instituteur | leponeyinstituteur.com |
Scalpfoto | Scalpfoto.com |
SAFE safe food advocacy Europe | www.safefoodadvocacy.eu |
Cook and Cakes | www.cookandcakes.com |
Green America | http://greenamerica.org |
GMO Inside | http://www.gmoinside.org |
Centre Social Centre Ville / ALSH La Médina | www.centresocial-centreville.com |
ADENY | http://adeny.overblog.com |
Coopérative Intégrale Réunionnaise | www.cir.re |
Organic Farmers' Markets of Attica | www.bioagores.org |
FIDA - Fédération Internationale de la Diaspora Afar | www.fida-afar.org |
BioBureau | www.biobureau.nl |
Réseau Cohérence | www.reseau-coherence.org |
The digital company | www.thedigitalcompany.fr |
Alliance écologiste indépendante | www.alliance-ecologiste-independante.com |
Slow Food Veneto | www.slowfoodveneto.it |
Align Utah | www.wealignutah.com |
Asamblea Paren de FumigarNos | https://www.facebook.com/rosanagutierez1 |
Biocoop la Canopée | http://lacanopee.biocoop.net/ |
EARL la ferme du hanneton | la-ferme-du-hanneton.net |
Community Alliance for Global Justice | www.cagj.org |
biocoop bio tea full | www.bioteafull.fr |
SOL (alternatives agroecologiques et solidaires) | https://www.sol-asso.fr |
The LEAH Advocacy Group | http://bit.ly/2dar6l5 |
potager des oiseaux | http://potagerdesoiseaux@gmail.com |
WKE | Www.annette-kurz.de |
End Ecocide Sweden | endecocide.se |
Lien en Pays d'OC | http://www.lienenpaysdoc.com/ |
Coeur de Forêt | Www.coeurdeforet.com |
LULU - Graine d'un Monde - | http://www.lulu-dijon.com/ |
Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin | http://www.coopcafeberlin.de/ |
EATegrity | www.eategrity.co.za |
Cook@Home | http://cook-at-home.fr/ |
Oermoeder.org | www.oermoeder.org |
Forum Civique Européen | www.forumcivique.org |
BIOCOOP SYMBIOSE | http://www.biocoop-symbiose.fr/ |
AGIR POUR LA CRAU | www.agirpourlacrau.fr |
Beyond GM | www.beyond-gm.org |
Center for Farmworker Families | www.farmworkerfamily.org |
Naturabati | Www.naturabati.com |
Perfect Earth BV | www.perfect.earth |
CGP | www.cgpictures.com |
Family Farming Platform - Sierra Leone | www.ruralforum.net |
La smala | la-smala.com |
Association Cueillir | www.asso.cueillir.over-blog.com |
Melido | Www.melido.fr |
Slow Food Sydney | Slowfoodsydney.com |
Global Marshall Plan Lokalgruppe Solingen | https://www.facebook.com/globalmarshallplansolingen/ |
HEKO | Www.Heko.Site |
Media5 | www.media5.co.nz |
Both ENDS | www.bothends.org |
Rosario es un Pueblo Fumigado | Grupo FB: Rosario es un Pueblo Fumigado |
Asamblea Regional de Pueblos Fumigados | https://asamblearegionaldepueblosfumigados.wordpress.com/ |
CarpetworksUK Ltd | www.carpetworksuk.com |
BIOCOOP - Le Grenier Vert | biocoop.fr |
Slow Food Chile: Frontera del Sur | https://www.facebook.com/slowfood.fronterasur/ |
Food Freedom Radio | http://www.am950radio.com/shows/food-freedom |
BIOCOOP CHOLET | http://www.biocoop-cholet.fr/ |
Green Action PH | greenactionph.wordpress.com |
Biocoop sisteron | Contact@biocoopsisteron.fr |
Lovechock | www.lovechock.com |
Sauvegarde des Requins | https://sauvegardedesrequins.wordpress.com/ |
BIOSITIVE BIOCOOP PROVINS | https://www.facebook.com/Biocoop-Biositive-790957224303864/ |
HEALTHY FOODS GLOBAL PRODUCTION LTD | www.healthyfoods.com.ng |
Masipag Mindanao, Inc. | www.masipagmindanao.org |
Ka Tribu ug ang Lasang Foundation (The Tribe and the Forest Foundation) | none |
en bord d'ô | www.theatreenbordo.com |
Buy Pure New Zealand | www.buypurenz.com |
Rights of Nature Europe | http://www.rightsofnature.eu/ |
Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF) | www.hedfpk.com |
Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries | www.cookingincrete.com |
Collectif Citoyen pour l'Agro-Ecologie (CCAE) | www.ccae-burkina.org |
ZERO - Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável | www.zero.ong |
Asociación Pluriculturalidad Jurídica de Guatemala - Plurijur - | http://plurijur.blogspot.com/ |
Caba BIOCOOP | Cababiocoop |
Stichting Stop Ecocide | www.stopecocide.nl |
WITHOUTBOUNDARY | under re-Creation: https://wbworld.wordpress.com/ |
Agrar Koordianation | www.agrarkoordination.de |
Forum Bien-être | www.forumbienetre.fr |
Bio-Veyre | Www.bio-veyre.fr |
ATV De Rekere | http://www.atvderekere.nl/ |
medico international | www.medico.de |
Biocoop Nature Elements | http://www.biocoop.fr/magasins-bio/Trouver-mon-magasin-Biocoop/Provence-Alpes-Cote-d-Azur/Vaucluse/NATURE-ELEMENTS |
KONG ISLAND | www.kong-island.com |
Plataforma Transgénicos Fora (Portuguese GM Free Coalition) | www.stopogm.net |
Ka'Kuxtal Much' Meyaj, Asociación Civil | https://www.facebook.com/kakuxtalmm/# |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
Radio LoRa | www.lora.ch |
Ödp-Kreisverband Aschaffenburg | www.oedp-ab.de |
Mt Alexander Fruit Gardens | www.mafg.com.au |
Le Baraban | www.baraban.fr |
Biocoop La Pyramide | http://lapyramide.biocoop.net/ |
GMO free Europe | www.gentechnikfreies-europa.eu |
Jovenes por la trasparencia | Facebook/jovenes por la trasparencia |
Association Action Citoyenne et Ecologique | en préparation |
Espace de Solidarité et de Coopération de l'Oriental (ESCO) | http://charaf-123.webobo.biz/ |
WIDE+ (Women In Development +) | wideplus.org |
Nederhout | www.nederhout.nl |
Kathy Weber Creative | kathy@4weber.com |
Critter Connection | www.bestbirdfoodever.com |
Cha's Organics (Sahana Ayurvedic Products, Inc) | www.chasorganics.com |
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) | www.cban.ca |
Fondation Lea Nature | leanature.com |
Podružnica | https://www.facebook.com/podruznica.co/ |
Werkgroep Voedselrechtvaardigheid | www.foodjustice.eu |
ASOCIACIÓN ÚNETE AL PLANETA | www.unetealplaneta.org |
Peace and Freedom Party, on the ballot for socialism, in California | http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/ |
ASOCIACIÓN ÚNETE AL PLANETA | www.unetealplaneta.org |
National Health Freedom Action | nationalhealthfreedom.org |
Body Bliss Connection, LLC | www.bodyblissconnection.com |
Merchant Services Group LLC | mservicegroup.com |
Spencer Creek Community Growers' Market | spencercreekmarket.org |
Kampagne Olivenöl aus Palästina | www.olivenoel-palaestina.ch |
CNCD-11.11.11 | www.cncd.be |
biocoop gujan mestas/ ANDERNOS | www.biocoop-gujanmestras.fr |
BIOCOOP CESTAS | www.biocoopcestas.biocoop.net |
Les faiseurs de rêves | www.lesfaiseurs2reve.com |
ARCHE NOAH, Gesellschaft für die Erhaltung der Kulturpflanzenvielfalt und ihre Entwicklung | www.arche-noah.at |
Association NiceFuture | Www.nicefuture.com |
Circkles.com | circkles.com |
Demeter Italia | www.demeter.it |
Biocoop Konkar'BIO | www.biocoop-konkarbio.bzh |
Solidarity Sweden - Latin America | www.latinamerikagrupperna.se |
EcoAttitude | ecoattitude.org |
Transnational Institute | www.tni.org |
Pionirska | www.pionirska.com |
World March of Women | www.worldmarchofwomen.org |
inti Ferreira | www.intiferreira.eu |
Friends of the Earth Australia | www.foe.org.au |
Junge Grüne Schweiz | www.jungegruene.ch |
COPAGEN - Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain | http://terres-copagen.inadesfo.net/LA-COPAGEN-une-Coalition-pour-la |
Association Suisse-Vietnam | vsv-asv.ch |
NGO Eco-club "Tapan" (Ark) | www.tapan.am |
mpOC (Mouvement politique des objecteurs de croissance) | www.mpOC.be |
Radar | radar974.com |
Truites et Rivières | http://www.truitesetrivieres.com |
Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité (CRGB) | www.crgbbj.org |
Save Our Trees Western Australia | www.saveourtrees.net |
Pesticide Action Group of Western Australia | www.pesticideactiongroupwa.com |
Association Eau et Rivières de Bretagne | www.eau-et-rivieres.asso.fr/ |
GoedeWaar.n l | www.goedewaar.nl |
De Grote Transitie | www.degrotetransitie.nl |
Wormenbakkenwinkel | Www.wormenbakkenwinkel.nl |
Televant Food | Www.relevantfood.com |
HUMANITAIRE | http://www.recim.org/asso/humanitaire.htm |
Versalife | http://versalife.com/ |
Dominicus gemeente Amsterdam en veel positief betrokken en opgebouwde landbouw organisaties | www.wilbrord-nature.nl |
Rights of Nature Netherlands | www.rechtenvoordenatuur.org |
Alterre-Native | www.alterre-native.fr |
Independent Farmers Association for Community Development | N/A |
Cambodian Grassroots Cross-sector Network | https://www.facebook.com/CambodiaGrassrootsPeopleAssembly/?ref=bookmarks |
Farmers for Farmers Network (FFF) | N/A |
Green Cambridge, Inc. | www.greencambridge.org |
Les Moustaches | www.lesmoustaches.farm |
ECOAR))) | ecoarglobal.org |
Zeitschrift Oya - anders denken. anders leben | www.oya-online.de |
Latvian Green Movement | www.zalie.lv |
Association of journalists-environmentalists | https://www.facebook.com/www.aje.inf/ |
Sharaka-Palestine | https://www.facebook.com/groups/360906177468/ |
Biodiversity Conservation Center | www.biodiversity.ru |
Sharaka-Palestine | https://www.facebook.com/groups/360906177468/ |
Friends of the Siberian Forests | www.sibforests.org |
Kleinbauern-Vereinigung | www.kleinbauern.ch |
Socio-ecological union international | www.seu.ru |
Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken | www.nord-sued-bruecken.de |
Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V. | www.n-bnn.de |
Trägerkreis EineWeltHaus München e.V. | www.einewelthaus.de |
Pro Natura Jura | www.pronatura-ju.ch |
Petal Passion | https://petalpassion.net |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
BioBangladesh | www.biobangladesh.net |
World Rainforest Movement (WRM) | wrm.org.uy |
Les Paniers Davoine | www.lespaniersdavoine.com |
La Garbancita Ecológica Soc. Coop. Consumo Responsable Agroecológico | www.lagarbancitaecologica.org |
Coalition pour la Protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain (COPAGEN) | www.copagen.org |
du Panier à l'Assiette | dupanieralassiette.fr |
The Fashion rEvolution GmbH | www.better-merchandising.de |
tradition terre et chaux | https://www.facebook.com/traditionterreetchaux/ |
Erwin-Warth-Stiftung für Flora, Fauna, Umwelt | Erwin-Warth-Stiftung |
Association La Libellule | www.lalibellule.ch |
Www.corsuba.8m.com | Www.corsuba.8m.com |
Leicester Friends of the Earth | https://www.foe.co.uk/groups/leicester |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für biologisch-dynamischen Landbau Thüringen e. V. | keine Website |
Pacific Rainforest Wildlife Guardians | http://www.rainforestwildlife.org |
Initiative Domäne Oberfeld e.V. | http://www.initiative-oberfeld.de/ |
KOTHOWAIN (vulnerable peoples development organization) | www.kothowain.org |
Clair de plume 34 | http://clairdeplume34.over-blog.com |
Vida Pura Portugal | www.vida-pura.com |
Moderne Hexe e.U. | Www.modernehexe.at |
Deineseite.at e.U. | Www.DeineSeite.at |
Locally Delicious Inc. a 501(c)3 non profit | www.locally-delicious.org |
Water Air & You | Www.waterairandyou.com |
Comunidée | www.comunidee.com |
Center For Humanity | centerforhumanity.org |
Timmins March Against Monsanto | https://m.facebook.com/events/987290307992960/ |
Portuguese Platform NO to the Transatlantic Treaty | https://www.nao-ao-ttip.pt/ |
Red de Salud Popular "Dr. Ramón Carrillo" Chaco | Fundación Ramón Carrillo. Chaco. facebook |
WeMove Europe | www.wemove.eu |
Asociacion Nacional de Fomento A la Agricultura Ecologica | www.anafae.org |
The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside | www.icppc.pl |
Associazione Medici per l'Ambiente - ISDE Italia | www.isde.it |
Morón SurCo | http://moronsurco.wix.com/moronsurco |
Gen-ethisches Netzwerk | http://www.gen-ethisches-netzwerk.de |
FIRAB - Italian Foundation for Research on Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture | www.firab.it |
Friends of the Earth Ireland | www.foe.ie |
SÖL - Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau | www.soel.de |
America Matters Media AMNews | www.aladayllc.com |
Sri Lanka Nature Group | www.srilankanaturegroup.org |
Bodyshop.se | bodystore.se |
Association of Indigenous Peoples' Development | http://atipd.tw/ |
NO GMO TAIWAN | http://gmo.agron.ntu.edu.tw/noGM/index.htm |
Green Network of Vojvodina | www.zelenamreza.org |
Rudolf Steiner Health Center | www.steinerhealth.org |
Asociación Galega de Apicultores | http://www.apiculturagalega.es/ |
Software AG Foundation | www.sagst.de |
Die Freien Bäcker - Zeit für Verantwortung e.V. | www.die-baecker.org |
Guadalupe Madre Tierra | gmadretierra.org |
Werkgroep Aardig Beheer | https://aardigbeheer.org |
Talking Foods GmbH | www.talkingfoods.com |
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) | http://www.osgata.org/ |
Monde Ethique | http://www.monde-ethique.fr/ |
Zo Indigenous Forum | www.zoindigenous.blogspot.com |
Melanie Amani | http://www.melanieamani.com |
Firma | Www.balazs-Komforthaus.de |
MultiWatch | www.multiwatch.ch |
Friends of the Earth Cyprus | www.foecyprus.org |
Stop Monsanto | Stop-Monsanto.es |
Asociación Cultural A Tu Ritmo | www.aturitmo.org |
Stichting Permacultuur Onderwijs | www.permacultuuronderwijs.nl |
Francais du monde adfe Pays-Bas | http://fdmadfe.nl/ |
AttacGruppe Diepholz Nord | Www.attac.de |
Mouvement de l'Agriculture Bio-Dynamique | www.bio-dynamie.org |
Nature&Potager en ville | natureetpotagerenville.fr |
Fundación Jan Amos Comenius - Educación y Ecología | https://www.facebook.com/escuelamontessoriJanAmosComenius/?fref=ts |
Fundación La Esperanzita - Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Ecológica en el Trópico Húmedo | https://www.facebook.com/fundacion.laesperanzita?fref=ts |
Sano y Salvo • Safe and Sound, Primera Asociación Campesina e Indígena de Cultura y Producción Ecológicas en la Biosfera del Sureste de Nicaragua | under construction |
ETC Group | www.etcgroup.org |
Green Cross Netherlands | www.gcint.org |
Friends of the Earth U.S. | www.foe.org |
GMO Free USA | www.gmofreeusa.org |
Sproutpeople | www.sproutpeople.org |
Collectif de soutien Faucheurs volontaires d'OGM Gard-Cévennes | http://www.faucheurs-volontaires.fr/ |
VOF Wyverns Keep | wyvernskeep.nl |
IVN afdeling Hellendoorn Nijverdal | www.ivn.nl/afdeling/hellendoorn-nijverdal |
tuinvereniging Ons Buiten | www.onsbuitenleiden.nl |
Ab Kools Consult | www.kools-consult.org |
WWOOF France | www.wwoof.fr |
Stichting Groenkracht | www.groenkracht.nl |
Bureau speelberg | www.bureauspeelberg.nl |
D Olde Bakkerieje | www.oldebakkerieje.nl |
Leids Instituut voor Cultuurstudies (Leiden Inst. for Culture Studies) | www.cultuurstudies.nl |
Environmental Association for Latin America | www.latinambiente.org |
World Ferret Union & World Ferret Information Centre | http://www.wfu-wfic.org/ |
Transition Town Boxtel | www.boxtel.transitiontowns.nl |
Stray Animal Foundation Platform | www.stray-afp.org/nl |
De Bolderik | www.debolderik.net |
Todos Los 25 Hasta Que Se Vaya Monsanto | http://www.facebook.com/Todos-los-25-hasta-que-se-vaya-Monsanto-709720865724834/ |
Fair World Project | www.fairworldproject.org |
Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos" | www.redtdt.org.mx |
Stiftung TRIGON | www.stiftung-trigon.ch |
Grupo Semillas | www.semillas.org.co |
nuit debout Dijon | http://ndbdijon.wix.com/dijon |
Green'Houilles | https://www.facebook.com/greenhouilles/ |
El Graner De Gelida | www.facebook.com/GranerDeGelida |
PURE & ECO INDIA | www.pureecoindia.in |
Demeter Gärtnerhof Westerwinkel | www.gärtnerhof-westerwinkel.de |
Better Food For Better Kids | www.BetterFoodForBetterKids.org |
PAN-Holland | www.PAN-Holland.nl |
Permakultur Danmark | permakultur-danmark.dk |
Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall | www.besh.de |
Ecoland | www.ecoland.de |
Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall | www.besh.de |
Stg. Growing Air Foundation | http://www.growingairfoundation.org |
Association Internationale pour le Soutien aux Économies Sociétales - AISES | www.aises-fr.org |
Bijenweelde | www.bijenweelde.nl |
Steine ohne Grenzen | http://bildhauersymposion.jimdo.com/ |
Terre-en-Vue ASBL | http://www.terre-en-vue.be/ |
Fomento Agroalimentario Mexicano s.a. de c.v. | www.fam-mexico.com |
Ecologische buurtmoestuin Wibauttuin | www.wibauttuin.nl |
Stichting Eltsenien | www.eltsenien.nl |
Zwergenwiese, Naturkost GmbH | www.zwergenwiese.de |
AGROLINK Association | www.agrolink.org |
Magasin Biocoop Lunel | http://www.biocoop-lunel.coop/ |
Beltane Naturkost GmbH | www.beltane.de |
Small is powerful | www.smallispowerful.org |
EcoMujer e.V. | www.ecomujer.org |
Por los 1000 metros libres de fumigacion en Necochea | https://www.facebook.com/groups/1555571278065811/?fref=ts |
BioTerra | http://bioterra.blogspot.pt/ |
Le Pantographe | https://pantographe.info/ |
Wood Prairie Family Farm | www.woodprairie.com |
Cuatro Puertas | www.c4puertas.org |
Sabio orgánicos | www.sabio.mx |
CEO Pipe Organs/Golden Ponds Farm | None |
Hilton Head for Peace | http://pjep.org/organizations/?id=1268 |
Mercado el 100 | https://www.facebook.com/Mercadoel100/ |
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) | www.bund.net |
Colibri | www.colibri-foundation.org |
Asociacion Gremial de Agricultura Biologico Dinamica de Chile A.G. | www.agriculturabiologicodianmica.cl |
Salva la Selva | http://www.salvalaselva.org |
TIFERETE | https://tiferete.wordpress.com/association-tiferete/ |
Urban Agriculture Netz Basel | www.urbanagriculture.ch |
PAN North America | www.panna.org |
Bio-Bangladesh | www.biobangladesh.net |
SEEDS ACTION NETWORK - SAN-germany | n.a. |
BUND kandertal | kandertal@bund.net |
SYLTRON GmbH | www.syltron.com |
La Dársena_Plataforma de Pensamiento e Interacción Artística | www.plataformaladarsena.blogspot.com |
GoedeWaar.nl | www.goedewaar.nl |
HUMANIATAIRE | http://citoyenmondecameroun.doomby.com |
Roseline | Provencehipposervices.com |
Kerrisdale Professional Accounting Group Inc. | http://www.kpagcpa.com/ |
Plataforma Cel Net | http://plataformacelnet.blogspot.com.es |
Fundação Vida para Todos - ABAI | www.fvida.org.br |
Instituto Maya, AC | sinmaiznohaypais.org |
SAMSE | www.twitter.com/Tapson |
Afrique en Vie | www.afrique-en-vie.com |
Associação monte da amOrada | - |
Groene Liefde | www.groeneliefde.nl |
Mantasa | www.mantasa.org |
Farmworker Association of Florida | www.floridafarmworkers.org |
North Ltd | www.northltd.co.za |
Nourish Scotland | http://www.nourishscotland.org |
Association Projet Nauyaca | www.projetnauyaca.org |
The Green Corner | www.thegreencorner.org |
CEHLAC | www.cehlac.blogspot.com |
Fundación Tigua Ni | https://sites.google.com/site/fundaciontiguani/directory |
Reparatur- und Service-Zentrum R.U.S.Z | www.rusz.at, www.facebook.com/rusz.at |
VitaVerDura | http://www.vitaverdura.ch |
Lusthofxl | www.lusthofxl.nl |
Sciences Citoyennes | www.sciencescitoyennes.org/ |
Alpe Adria Green , Mednarodno društvo za varstvo okolja in narave | https://alpeadriagreen.wordpress.com/o-nas-2/ |
RightOnCanada.ca | www.rightoncanada.ca |
Natuur Instituut | http://www.natuurinstituut.nl |
Scop la porte des cébettes / Biocoop Anduze | www.biocoopanduze.fr |
SAG Schweizer Allianz Gentechfrei | www.gentechfrei.ch |
Bio-Lëtzebuerg - Vereenegung fir Bio-Landwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl. | http://bio-letzebuerg.lu/ |
Radio Lora | lora.ch |
SLQS (Som lo que sembrem) | www.somloquesembrem.org |
Sandrose Stiftung | www.sandrose.info |
Bicitekas A.C. | www.bicitekas.org |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamics.com |
El Hombre Sobre la Tierra | www.elhombresobrelatierra.org |
Bluepingu e.V. | www.bluepingu.de |
El Brot SCCL | www.elbrot.cat |
ALTERNATIBA GRENOBLE | https://alternatiba.eu/grenoble/ |
CHEF514 | www.chef514.com |
Plante et Planète | www.planteetplanete.org |
Verde Vida em Prol da Preservação da Vida | http://verdevida.tk |
Grundeco | www.grundeco.net |
GNH Centre Bhutan | www.gnhcentrebhutan.org |
Clovercrest farm | None |
El Barzón Nacional | www.elbarzon.mx |
Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP) | www.panap.net |
MEDIO AMBIENTE Y SOCIEDAD, A.C. | http://medioambientebcs.blogshttp://medioambientebcs.blogspot.mx/pot.mx/ |
St. Leven met de Aarde | www.blauwvuur.nu |
Rueda Verde | facebook: Rueda Verde |
Tianguis Alternativo de Puebla | https://www.facebook.com/tianguispuebla/?ref=ts&fref=ts |
GlassDharma | www.glassdharma.com |
War on Want | www.waronwant.org |
No al Fracking Nuevo León | @NofrackingenNuevoLeon |
Mercado Alternativo de Tlalpan | www.mercadoalternativodetlalpan.com |
Stiftung Mindful EBID | ab August |
biocoop MOUTIERS | http:www.biocoop-moutiers.com |
Freshwater Action Network Mexico | www.fanmexico.net |
PAPHC, Inc. | PAPHC.org |
Amis de l'écologie dans le monde arabe | Badaelmag |
Escuela de Agricultura Ecológica U Yits Kaan | www.uyitskaan.org |
Byron Hinterland Seed Savers | www.byronseedshare.org |
MARIE ET VOUS | marie-et-vous.com |
Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Rural AC | https://m.facebook.com/Centro-de-Investigación-y-Capacitación-Rural-AC-210374828980480/ |
Association Les Amis Mots | https://www.facebook.com/Lesamis Mots |
Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Co-op | www.obpeoplesfood.coop |
Indignación, Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos A.C. | www.indignacion.org.mx |
Sundance Natural Foods | Sundancenaturalfoods.com |
Toronto Non-GMO Coalition | www.torontonongmocoalition.org |
4DVerlag | www.4dverlag.de |
Supermacht | www.supermacht.nl |
Centre Régional d'Ecoénegétique d'Aquitaine (CREAQ) | creaq.org |
Groundswell International | http://www.groundswellinternational.org |
grütter media | www.gruettermedia.ch |
Stichting Boerengroep | http://www.boerengroep.nl |
SOLIFONDS | www.solifonds.ch |
Biocoop au bourgeon vert | biocoopaubourgeonvert.fr |
The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament | http://www.greens-efa.eu/ |
Programa de Pluralismo Jurídico y Vigencia de Derechos del CIESAS (PLURAL) | ciesas.edu.mx |
Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en Méxiuco (RAPAM) A.C: | www.rapam.org |
Biocoop | http://biocoop-aligre.biocoop.net/ |
Grupo de Estudios Ambientales (GEA A.C.) | www.geaac.org |
NE GOVORU MRŽNJE - ISTINOM PROTIV LAŽI | http://www.globalmediaplanet.info/ |
FJORDEN | www.fjorden.de |
MANAVAÏ | www.lepivert.biocoop.net |
EPI VERT | www.lepivert.biocoop.net |
BIOCOOP S.A | www.biocoop.fr |
WhyHunger | www.WhyHunger.org |
APAB | http://www.apab.it |
Associazione per l'Agricoltura Biodinamica | www.biodinamica.org |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamic.org.uk |
Ruskin Mill Trust | www.rmt.org |
Ecodefensores Colombia | https://www.facebook.com/EcodefensoresColombia/?fref=ts |
AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica | www.aiab.it |
Sektion für Landwirtschaft am Goetheanum | www.goetheanum.ch |
Association Soin de la Terre | http://www.soin-de-la-terre.org |
solidaritéS | solidarites.ch |
Biodynamic Association | www.biodynamisk.dk |
Pesticide Action Network International | http://pan-international.org/, www.panap.net |
Milieudefensie | www.milieudefensie.nl |
MADGE Australia | www.madge.org.au |
The Hummingbird Project | www.hummingbirdproject.org |
Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty & Health | CCFSH.ORG |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL) e.V | www.abl-ev.de |
attac Regionalgruppe Darmstadt | http://www.attac-netzwerk.de/darmstadt/gruppe-da/ |
Demeter International e.V | www.demeter.net |
Los Pies en la Tierra | http://lespiedsdanslaterre.jimdo.com/ |
Biovision Foundation | www.biovision.ch/en/home/ |
European Youth for Action (EYFA) | eyfa.org |
TEAM Ecosys | www.team-ecosys.nl |
Réseau des Ecocentres France Belgique | www.ecocentres.eu |
Autre Terre | http://www.autreterre.org/ |
Solidaritätsdienst International e.V. | www.sodi.de |
Earth Thrive | www.earth-thrive.org |
Bio em Casa | www.bioemcasa.com |
Unimundal Collective | www.agp.org |
Cantoalagua | www.cantoalagua.com |
DRYRES - Drylands Research and Resilience | https://www.facebook.com/groups/246925205357927/ |
Comunidad Mapuche Epu Lafken | Vero Azpiroz Cleñan |
SCOP Montois | www.lemontois.ch |
Botswana Organic Agriculture Federation | N/A |
CONSTRUISONS ENSEMBLE LE MONDE | http://www.ongcem.org |
La Caracole | http://lacaracole.skynetblogs.be/about.html |
PAN Europe | http://www.pan-europe.info/ |
Pro Longo maï | www.prolongomai.ch |
Reciclarte | www.reciclarte.com |
Friends of the Earth Europe | www.foeeurope.org |
Réseau des GASAP | www.gasap.be |
sustainable living systems | sustainablelivingsystems.org |
UGB - Verband für Unabhängige Gesundheitsberatung e.V. - Deutschland | www.ugb.de |
Ethik-Labor | www.ethik-labor.ch |
GE Free NZ in Food and Environment | www.gefree.org.nz |
Slow Food Redlands | https://www.facebook.com/slowfoodredlands |
Rancho de los Proyectos | www.ranchoproyectos.us |
medico international schweiz | www.medicointernational.ch |
Vigilance OGM 46 | https://vo46.wordpress.com/ |
Cirkulinės ekonomikos institutas | www.cei.lt |
Human Power Foundation | no |
Socio-Economic And Environmental Development Solutions (SEEDS) | www.sendseedstoafrica.org |
LA COLMENA FELIZ | http://colmenafeliz.blogspot.com.es/ |
CSFV 49 (Comité de Soutien aux Faucheurs-euses volontaires 49) | https://csfv49.wordpress.com/ |
Fundación Mundubat | www.mundubat.org |
ecocolmena | www.ecocolmena.com |
Food Revolution Network | www.foodrevolution.org |
CCFD-Terre Solidaire | http://ccfd-terresolidaire.org/ |
Ecolprovys Mundos posibles corporación colectiva | ecolprovys.blogspot.com.co/ |
LES COLIBRIS | www.colibris-lemouvement.org |
Kids Right to Know | www.kidsrighttoknow.com |
FORO AMBIENTAL DE LOS TOLDOS | www.foroambiental.com |
ECOSUR, Ecología, Cultura y Educación desde los Pueblos del Sur | www.fundacionecosur.org.ar |
La Via Campesina | www.viacampesina.org/en |
Ongd AFRICANDO | www.africando.org |
Aktion Selbstbesteuererung e.V. - Friede durch gerechte Entwicklungspolitik | www.aktion-selbstbesteuerung.de |
edition SOPHIA Verlag | --- |
Amis de la Terre Belgique | www.amisdelaterre.be |
CHAMADE | http://www.helloasso.com/associations/association-chamade |
Red Socioambiental Semillas | https://www.facebook.com/RedSocioAmbientalSemillas/ |
Seminario Interdisciplinario sobre el Hambre y el Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires | www.derechoalaalimentacion.org.ar |
Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM d'Ardèche | nogm.effraie.org |
Kenya Biodiversity Coalition (KBioC) | www.kbioc.org |
DAC | https://twitter.com/ArnaudApoteker |
BioForum Vlaanderen | bioforumvlaanderen.be |
Genussgemeinschaft Städter und Bauern e.V. | www.genussgemeinschaft.de |
BIO CONSOM'ACTEURS PROVENCE FRANCE | www.bioconsomacteursprovence.com |
Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform | www.monlar.lk |
Association Kheper | www.kheper.org |
Pure Coverz | www.purecoverz.com |
Consommateurs pas cobayes! | www.consommateurspascobayes.com |
MIRAMAP | http://miramap.org/ |
Campaña "Paren de Fumigar las Escuelas" | http://escuelasfumigadas.blogspot.com.ar/ |
420 Wolverhampton | Facebook.com/simondudley |
o2pluie | WWW.o2pluie.fr |
interAMAP44 | http://www.amap44.org/ |
FOCO Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos | www.inpade.org.ar |
Procesos Integrales Para la Autogestión de lost Pueblos (PIAP, A.AC) | no |
National Health Freedom Coalition | www.nationalhealthfreedom.org |
Generations Futures | www.generations-futures.fr |
Velt | www.2020pesticidevrij.nu |
Berliner Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Umwelt und Entwicklung (BLUE 21) | www.blue21.de |
Tamalpais NatureWorks | www.tamalpais.com |
PESTIZIDFREIE REGION | http://www.pestizidfreieregion.wordpress.com |
VHUE e.V. | www.umweltbedingt-erkrankte.de |
Chico 350 | chico350.org |
Mercola.com | mercola.com |
Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika (FDCL) | www.fdcl.org |
Hafengruppe Hamburg | hafengruppe-hamburg.de |
Peace Action of San Mateo County | www.sanmateopeaceaction.org |
Omslag Werklaats vor Duurzame Ontwikkeling | http://www.omslag.nl |
Grupo de Trabajo Cambio Climático y Justicia (GTCCJ) | ccjusticiabolivia.org |
Feministische Partei DIE FRAUEN | www.feministischepartei.de |
Ithaka Institute | www.ithaka-institut.org |
FUERA MONSANTO DE PERGAMINO, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA | https://www.facebook.com/fueramonsantodepergamino/ |
Unidos por la Vida y el Medio Ambiente - UPVA | https://www.facebook.com/ONGUPVA/?fref=ts |
Asociación por la Justicia Ambiental AJAM | www.justiciaambiental.org |
Garden City Organic | facebook.com/gardencityorganic |
Global Forest Coalition | www.globalforestcoalition.org |
Calcuta Ondoan, ONGD | www.calcutaondoan.org |
CADTM | www.cadtm.org |
Nutrition House Canada Inc. | www.nutritionhouse.com |
Mercury Press International | mercurypress.com |
The Smithy of Campaigners Foundation | www.kampanierzy.pl |
ECOTERRA International | ecoterra-international.org |
ECOTERRA e.V. | www.ecoterra.de |
New York Permaculture Exchange | www.permaculture-exchange.org |
Wine & Water Watch | www.winewaterwatch.org |
Fortunate Farm LLC | www.fortunatefarm.com |
Consejo de Visiones Guardianes de la Tierra | www.consejodevisiones.org |
El Paraná NO se toca | https://www.facebook.com/ElParanaNOsetoca/ |
The Ark Retreat Center | www.thearkretreatcenter.org |
The Canadian Action Party | actionparty.ca |
Lotus Blossom Clinic | www.LotusBlossomClinic.com |
Zero Biocidas | http://zero-biocidas.blogspot.com.ar/ |
Organic Skincare & Bodyworx | www.organicskincareandbodyworx.com |
City of Mosier, Oregon | http://cityofmosier.com |
World Music Center Inc. | www.lemsdworkin.com |
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Northern Utah | www.wrcnu.org |
Keys for Healing LLC | keysforhealing.com |
Focus on the Global South | www.focusweb.org |
European Anti Poverty Network Nederland | Www.eapnned.nl |
Locals for Local Change | www.LocalsForLocalChange.com |
Popular Resistance | PopularResistance.org |
MT Energie | http:/www.mtenergie.com |
EX-Diabetic.org | www.ex-diabetic.org |
Climate Change Recovery | ClimateChangeRecovery.org |
Right To Know Hernando County FL | none |
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Inc. | www.animalvegetablemineral.org |
West Oaks Chiropractic Clinic | www.westoakschiropractic.com |
Plant Based Conservatives | http://plant-basedconservatives.com/ |
Aladay LLC/Aladay Organic Farms | www.aladayllc.com |
Per Madre Terra Onlus | www.permadreterra.it |
Partnerships for Change | www.partnershipsforchange.com |
open house e.V. | openhouse-site.de |
Optimists Without Borders | www.optimistan.org |
be it and balanced | befitandbalanced.com |
Organisation des Ruraux pour une Agriculture Durable - ORAD | http://fipao.faso-dev.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ORAD-BEDE.pdf |
Fédération Nationale des Organisations Paysannes - FENOP | http://www.fenop.org |
Comité Ouest Africain des Semences Paysannes (COASP) | http://www.bede-asso.org/collaborations-par-theme/reseaux-veilles-coalitions/coalitions/coasp-comite-ouest-africain-des-semences-paysannes/ |
World Family (UK) | www.worldfamilyonline.org |
Citizens Rights Watch | http://www.citizensrw.org/index.php |
Lotus Medicine | www.lotusmedicine.net |
STOP OGM Pacifique | www.stopogmpacifique.org |
Partito Ecoanimalista | https://it-it.facebook.com/PartitoEcoAnimalistaUfficiale |
Parti de Gauche | www.lepartidegauche.fr/ |
Ecoropa | http://www.ecoropa.info/about |
UDAPT | http://chevrontoxico.com/ |
FABLAB ENSAPVS | https://www.facebook.com/FabLab-Ensapvs-737245226350901/ |
GAIA, Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental | http://gaia.org.pt/ |
Campanha pelas Sementes Livres | http://gaia.org.pt/sosementes |
World Permaculture Association | www.world-permaculture.org |
PASMEP Plateforme d’Actions à la Sécurisation des Ménages Pastoraux | www.pasmep.org |
Organisation pour le Développement Durable et Intégré de la Guinée, ODDI | http://www.cspps.org/cspps-members |
Napam – Beogo | www.napam-beogo.com |
Multi'colors | www.multicolors.org |
Madres de Ituzaingo Anexo (Linea Fundadora) | https://m.facebook.com/Madres-De-Ituzaingo-Anexo-Linea-Fundadora-183331305350756/?refid=17 |
Instituto de Salud Socioambiental de la Facultad de Cs Médicas Universidad Nacional de Rosario | https://www.facebook.com/saludsocioambiental.fcmunr/?fref=photo |
Inades – Formation Burkina | http://www.inadesfo.net/ |
Conseil National de l'Agriculture Biologique (CNABio) | www.cnabio.net |
Collectif Torba | http://agroecologie-algerie.org/ |
Coalition des Alternatives Africaines Dette et Développement, CAD MALI | http://www.cadmali.org/ |
Association de Réflexions, d’Echanges et d’Actions pour l’environnement et le développement, AREA-ED | www.area-ed.org |
Chewelah United Church of Christ | chewelahucc.org |
Sanctuary of Mana Ke`a Gardens | www.hawaiisanctuary.org |
Sensitronics | Sensitronics.com |
Food Revolution Network | foodrevolution.org |
Edye's Naturals | edyesnaturals.com |
Talent Associates | www.talentassociates.com |
Locally Delicious | locally-delicious.org |
Wildcat Research Inc. | www.wildcatresearch.com |
March Against Monsanto, Victoria, BC | https://www.facebook.com/March-Against-Monsanto-Victoria-BC-131780307023088/ |
KC Hancock Art | www.kchancock.com |
Slow Food Redlands | slowfoodredlands.org |
Slow Food Deutschland e. V. | https://slowfood.de/ |
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society | http://www.seashepherd.org/ |
Soil Resources Initiative | soilresources.com |
Midnight Cry Birth Services | midnightcrybirthservices.com |
Hof Pente GbR | www.hofpente.de |
Adolf-Reichwein-Gesellschaft e.V. | www.arg-dialog.org |
IFOAM | www.ifoam.bio |
Navdanya | www.navdanya.org |
GMWatch | gmwatch.org |
Food Democracy Now! | foodddemocracynow.org |
Akaija & Art | http://www.akaija.com |
Naturaleza de Derechos | www.naturalezadederechos.org |
Greenpeace International | www.greenpeace.org |
Slow Food | http://www.slowfood.com/ |
Reclaim the Seeds | www.reclaimtheseeds.nl |
Regeneration International | www.regenerationinternational.org |
Organic Consumers Association | www.organicconsumers.org |
Tsíntani, A.C. | https://www.facebook.com/tisntaniconservacion/ |
Terre Vivante | www.terrevivante.org |
Entraide et Fraternité | www.entraide.be |
The Greenhorns | www.thegreenhorns.net |
Kameradist*innen | http://kameradisten.org |
SAP/Grenzeloos | www.grenzeloos.org |
FACES DO BRASIL - Plataforma de Comércio Justo e Solidário | facesdobrasil.org.br |
FOODwatch Australia | https://www.facebook.com/foodwatchwa/?fref=ts |
Natural Solutions | |
Green Party of Monterey County | Monterey County Green Party on Facebook |
Abibiman Foundation | www.abibimmanfoundation.org |
Corporación Pro Romeral | https://es-es.facebook.com/proromeral |
Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia | http://www.aba-agroecologia.org.br/ |
Biosafety Alliance | http://biosafetyalliance.org/ |
Corporación Regional Agroecológica CORA | www.facebook.com/Corpocora/ |
Convention Vie et Nature | www.ecologie-radicale.org |
L'assoc Beche A Melle | http://blogs.paysmellois.org/lassosbecheamelle/ |
Alternatives | www.alternatives.ca |
Climáximo | climaximo.wordpress.com |
Coordination Against BAYER-Dangers | www.CBGnetwork.org |
ethecon- foundation ethics & economy | https://www.ethecon.org/en/451 |
Rencontre des Continents | http://rencontredescontinents.be |
MADGE Australia Inc | www.madge.org.au |
Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei (ÖDP) | www.oedp.de |
AmiEs de la Terre de Québec | http://atquebec.org/ |
PAN North America | www.panna.org |
Grassroots International | grassrootsonline.org |
FoodFirst | foodfirst.org |
Other Worlds | otherworldsarepossible.org |
CODEPINK | http://www.codepink.org |
EUROPE ECOLOGIE LES VERTS | http://eelv.fr/ |
Bodensee Akademie | www.bodenseeakadmie.at |
Farmworker Association of Florida | www.floridafarmworkers.org |
Maison du développement durable | maisondd.be |
Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales de Guatemala (IDEAR) | http://idear.congcoop.org.gt/ |
March Against Monsanto Tampa Florida | http://www.march-against-monsanto.com/home/ |
BioRitme Festival | www.bioritmefestival.org |
Naturefriends Greece | http://www.naturefriends.gr |
Family Farm Defenders | www.familyfarmdefenders.org |
Community Agroecology Network | www.CANunite.org |
Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance | namanet.org |
Bee Life | www.bee-life.eu |
Conscious Development Company B.V. | www.consciousdevelopment.eu |
Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First | www.foodfirst.org |
LabelGMOs.org | www.labelgmos.org |
ASEED Europe | www.aseed.net |
Pestizid Aktions-Netzwerk e.V. (PAN Germany) | www.pan-germany.org |
algamar | www.algamar.com |
March Against Monsanto Düsseldorf | https://stop-monsanto.tumblr.com/ |
Association Foll'Avoine | http://lafolleavoine.org/ |
Rencontres et Débats Autrement | www.rencontres-et-debats-autrement.fr |
Kalbos | http://www.kalbos.nl |
GUAYAPI | ww.guayapi.com |
Pesticide Action Network - UK | www.pan-uk.org |
Red de Acción en Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas de América Latina | www.rap-al.org |
Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa new Zealand | www.pananz.net |
Red de Acción sobre Plaguicidas y sus Alternativas en méxico (RAPAM) A.C. | www.rapam.org |
Auberge communale Eclépens | auberge-eclepens.ch |
FASE | www.fase.org.br |
Clean Food Movement - Malta | https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgainstMonsantoMalta/ |
Grupo Semente | https://www.facebook.com/gruposemente.mt/?ref=bookmarks |
REMTEA | http://remtea.blogspot.com.br |
HUNAMAR (Huveaune Nature Marseille) | www.hunamar.org |
Patients' Rights Advocacy Waikato Inc | www.patientsrights.org.nz |
Plataforma Andalucía Libre de Transgénicos | www.redandaluzadesemillas.org/palt |
Red de Semillas "Resembrando e Intercambiando" | www.redsemillas.info |
SEELAND Medienkooperative e.V. | www.seeland-medienkooperative.org |
Parc naturel Viroin-Hermeton | www.pnvh.be |
anstiftung ggmbh | www.anstiftung.de |
MC-Garten UG | https://www.facebook.com/mcgarten.ug?ref=br_rs |
RAMA | http://www.lafatela.com/23/repoblación-en-la-sierra-de-gata- |
Compito | http://compito.com |
Observatorio de cultivos y cultivadores declarados ilícitos OCDI-GLOBAL | www.ocdiglobal.org |
VIDHAI FOUNDATION | facebook.com/vidhaifoundation |
March against Monsanto Alkmaar | http://www.marchagainstmonsanto.nl/ |
Aide au Développement Gembloux (ADG) | www.ong-adg.be |
EKODER | www.ekoder.org.tr |
EcoMujer e.V. | www.ecomujer.org |
Becket Films (The Seeds of Vandana Shiva) | vandanashivamovie.com |
Tourism for Help | www.tourismforhelp.com |
Lien en Pays d'OC | http://www.lienenpaysdoc.com/ |
FRANCE-GESTALT-THERAPIE | www.france-gestalt.fr |
PAN-Italia | www.pan-italia.it |
Women's Leadership Institute for Conscious Coaching | www.WomensOnlineCoachTraining.com |
Shape shifters Pilates and health | Shapeshifterspilatesandhealth.com |
TAKINOA | www.takinoa.com |
CooLabora - Intervneção Social | www.coolabora.pt |
Carbon Coach Ltd | Www.carboncoach.com |
Association of Sustainability Practitioners | Www.sustainabilitypractitioners.org |
Respect Planet | www.respect-planet.com |
Association Auberfabrik | www.auberfabrik.com |
Serikat Tani Nasional | http://wwww.stn.or.id |
Animal Interfaith Alliance | www.animal-interfaith-alliance.com |
Alternative Community Peliti | www.peliti.gr |
FABLAB ENSAPVS | https://www.facebook.com/FabLab-Ensapvs-737245226350901/ |
Asociación Vida Sana | www.vidasana.org |
Healing Earth Refuge and Legislation | http://www.meetup.com/HEALove/ |
Association Phyto-Victimes | www.phyto-victimes.fr |
MultiWatch Regionalgruppe Basel | www.multiwatch.ch |
Scientists for Global Responsibility | www.sgr.org.uk |
Ecotylédon | http://www.ecotyledon.fr/ |
Bioforum Schweiz | bioforumschweiz.ch |
CORPORACION CONCIENCIA VERDE | https://www.facebook.com/c0ncienciaverde |
Plateforme pour une agriculture socialement durable | www.agrisodu.ch |
Asociación de Mujeres de Órgiva | http://mujeresdeorgiva.blogspot.nl/ |
Netwerk Vitale Landbouw en Voeding | http://nvlv.nl |
Toxicsoy.org | www.toxicsoy.org |
Les films du réveil | http://lesfilmsdureveil.free.fr/ |
Rettet den Regenwald | www.regenwald.org |
Europe Ecologie les Verts Pays Basque | http://aquitaine.eelv.fr |
Bread for all | http://www.bfa-ppp.ch |
Solidarité sans frontières | www.sosf.ch |
Moms Across America | www.momsacrossamerica.com |
GM-Free Australia Alliance Inc | www.gmfreeaustralia.org |
Les Amis Mots | www.amismots.org |
Centre Europe-Tiers Monde (CETIM) | www.cetim.ch |
Moms Across America | www.momsacrossamerica.com |
Des Racines et des cimes asbl | https://www.facebook.com/desracinesetdescimes |
Quinoa asbl | www.quinoa.be |
ADALIA asbl | www.adalia.be |
Inter-Environnement Wallonie | www.iewonline.be |
School for Wellbeing Studies and Research - Towards Organic Asia (TOA) | www.schoolforwellbeing.org/toa |
Mellifera e. V. | www.melifera.de |
Association de Coopération Laïque Educative et Sociale | http://www.acles.fr/ |
Natagora | http://www.natagora.be/ |
Gene Ethics | www.genethics.org |
Comite d´Ethique Citoyen | http://comitedethique.wix.com/comitedethique |
Gezonde Moestuin | http://www.gezondemoestuin.nl/ |
TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative) | transkeianimalinitiative.org/ |
EPICERIE PAYSANNE LES PISSENLITS | http://psaltis.fr/un-primeur-militant-a-saint-victor-les-paysans-prennent-le-pouvoir/ |
Verein Gentechnikfreie Landkreise Ludwigsburg/Rems-Murr e.V. | www.gentechnikfrei21.de |
Ackergifte? Nein danke! | http://www.ackergifte-nein-danke.de/news/index.html |
Noordelijk Zadennetwerk | Local agriculture, food&seed biodiversity and living soils are the very source of life. Everything against it is is threatening life on the planet itself. |
Nature et Progrès Belgique | www.natpro.be |
BASE Investigaciones Sociales | www.baseis.org.py |
Regionalgruppe Westmünsterland im Aufbruch Deutschland Gold-Rot-Schwarz | http://www.aufbruch-gold-rot-schwarz.net/en/ |
Alliance Sud | http://www.alliancesud.ch/en |
Global Justice Now | http://www.globaljustice.org.uk/ |
Project Agent Orange | http://www.projectagentorange.com/ |
Vigilance OGM | www.vigilanceogm.org |
nut burgers | http://www.nutburgers.com/ |
biorespect | http://www.biorespect.ch/ |
Cooperativas Sin Fronteras | http://www.cooperativasinfronteras.net/index.php/en/ |
The World Foundation for Natural Science | http://www.naturalscience.org/ |
Green Mantle (Ecosophy) Limited | http://www.green-mantle.co.uk/ |
Values in Nature and the Environment | http://www.vineproject.org.uk/ |
Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) | http://www.homef.org/ |
Collectif National des Faucheuses et Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM | http://www.faucheurs-volontaires.fr/ |
System Change, not Climate Change | http://systemchange-not-climatechange.at/ |
Zivilcourage Vogelsberg | http://zivilcourage-vogelsberg.de/ |
Ingalan | www.ingalan.org |
e-graine d'images | http://egrainedimages.com/ |
Gentechvrij | http://www.gentechvrij.nl/ |
Corporate Europe Observatory | www.corporateeurope.org |
ILEIA | http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org/about-us/members/the-netherlands |
Asso Pégase Périgord Limousin | http://ecocentre.org/ |
CIRCULOS DE SEMENTES | http://circulosdesementes.blogspot.nl/ |
Ferme Nos Pilifs | www.fermenospilifs.be |
Aktion GEN-Klage | www.stopptgennahrungsmittel.de |
Institute of Science in Society | www.i-sis.org.uk |
Assemblée des Citoyens du Monde - ASCOP | www.recim.org |
Biowatch South Afric | http://www.biowatch.org.za/ |
Solidarité Mondiale contre la Faim - SMF-Globidar | www.globidar.org |
Association Agir pour les droits de l'Homme | www.agirdtshomme.fr |
Namoseke Monsanto | http://demoinfo.com.py/tag/namoseke-monsanto/ |
Laboratoire Analyses Microbiologiques Sols | http://www.lams-21.com |
Santos Organics | www. santosorganics.com.au |
Collectif anti OGM 31 | antiogm31.over-blog.org/ |
Soul Science University | www.soulscienceuniversity.com/ |
Almuth Ernsting | www.biofuelwatch.org.uk |
Got Produce Franchising Inc | http://gotproduce.us/ |
Beyond Pesticides Network - Canada | http://beyondpesticides.org/ |
Sheepdrove Trust and Neal's Yard Remedies | http://www.sheepdrove.com/ |
Semillas de Vida | http://www.semillasdevida.org/ |
Millennium Institute | http://www.millennium-institute.org/ |
Netzfrauen | https://netzfrauen.org/ |